Please contact us for our privacy policy.


Please find a list of all the cookies used on our website below:

Name Provider Purpose Expiry
_ga Google Analytics Used to identify users and generates statistical data on the way they use our website. 2 years
_gid Google Analytics Used to identify users and generates statistical data on the way they use our website. 24 hours
_gat Google Analytics Used by Google Analytics to limit request rates. 10 minutes
cerber_groove A security cookie used to validate the user session. 2 weeks
wordpress_test_cookie Used to identify if the current browser supports the use of cookies. session
wordpress_logged_in_ Used to identify if the current user is logged in. session
wp-settings- Used to customize users view of the admin interface, and possibly the main site interface. session
wp-settings-time- Used to customize users view of the admin interface, and possibly the main site interface. session
hidebanner Stores the users cookie consent state for our website 1 year
wpSGCacheByPass Used to improve the speed and performance of the website 1 hour